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Street Art Attack: performance!

The participants were divide into 4 groups and each group had a different Street Art to perform: Flash mob, Street painting, Performance on social inclusion, multicultural singing performance.

Dancing all together

Having fun after the milticultural nights!!!

"Cocco Bello" energyzer by our portuguese Coco girl ;)

A portuguese girl was very impressed by the Coco sellers on the beach, so she created a short song about them and she proposed it as energyzer for the whole group.

Making Art - part 1

The participants had at their disposal different materials in order to create individually or in small groups, some artistic products on the topic of social inclusion. The created pieces of art where used for an Art Exhibition in a pub in Palermo.

Making Art - part 2

The participants had at their disposal different materials in order to create individually or in small groups, some artistic products on the topic of social inclusion. The created pieces of art where used for an Art Exhibition in a pub in Palermo.

Each national group of participants choose by lot two other participating Countries and they had to create a play about the strereotypes usually associated with people from those Countries.

Thinking without stereotypes - 2

Each national group of participants choose by lot two other participating Countries and they had to create a play about the strereotypes usually associated with people from those Countries.

Can I introduce my NGO?

Each national group of participants created a poster about their organization, with markers and colours, and they presented the organization to the whole group.


Youth4Tomorrow - Associação - Portugal


Street Art Attack: performance!

I partecipanti sono stati divisi in 4 gruppi, ciascuno dei quali aveva il compito di sperimentare diversi tipi di Steert art: Flash mob, Street painting, Performance on social inclusion, multicultural singing performance.

Dancing all together

Balli e divertimento dopo le serate multiculturali!!

"Cocco Bello" energyzer by our portuguese Coco girl ;)

Una partecipante portoghese ha apprezzato particolarmente i venditori di cocco sulla spiaggia, quindi ha creato una breve canzoncina con le frasi che i venditori urlano sulla spiaggia e ha coinvolto tutti i partecipanti improvvisando un energyzer prima dell'inizio delle attività pomeridiane. 

Making Art - part 1

I partecipanti avevano a disposizione diversi materiali per creare, individualmente o in piccoli gruppi, alcuni prodotti artistici sul tema dell'inclusione sociale. Le opere d'arte create sono state utilizzate per allestire una mostra in un pub di Palermo.

Making Art - part 2

I partecipanti avevano a disposizione diversi materiali per creare, individualmente o in piccoli gruppi, alcuni prodotti artistici sul tema dell'inclusione sociale. Le opere d'arte create sono state utilizzate per allestire una mostra in un pub di Palermo.

Each national group of participants choose by lot two other participating Countries and they had to create a play about the strereotypes usually associated with people from those Countries.

Thinking without stereotypes - 2

Each national group of participants choose by lot two other participating Countries and they had to create a play about the strereotypes usually associated with people from those Countries.

Can I introduce my NGO?

Ogni gruppo nazionale di partecipanti ha creato un poster sulla propria organizzazione, con colori e pennarelli, ed ha presentato la propria organizzazione al gruppo. 



Youth4Tomorrow - Associação - Portugal

Kelet-magyarországi Szociális Szolgáltató Központ - Hungary

The participants, divided in groups, discussed about "How the city can be an obstacle for social inclusion and how is it possibble to breakdown this obstacles". 

Cafè Debate

Thinking without stereotypes - 1

Association ARABIS - Bulgaria

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